Our kennel „z Tomky“ was established on August 18th, 1975. The beginning of my breedings was connected with my favorite breed Boxer and also our first litters of puppies were boxers. As late as in the eighties my dream came true and the beautiful breed of Dobermann proudly walked by my side. I fell in love with their fantastic attitude, intelligent and proud look, their warm-heartedness, commitment and endless love, that only they can give. I was amazed by their nobility and elegance. Today I know for sure, that I can never live without my dobermann, because my life would be sad and empty.

Our first female Arka Ma-Ti (Born z Písečného ostrova x Heidi z Egall) is actually the founder of our breed. She was a great girl with a very sharp character.

Arka Ti-Ma

Decisive influence on the further growth of our entire kennel had our three females. The first was the daughter Arky powerful and elegant Exa (1987, Doriental Flax x Arka Ti-Ma) and the other two were her daughters Haike z Tomky (1991, Aron z Ořechového dvora x Exa z Tomky) and Inda Nera z Tomky (1991, Doriental Zeus x Exa z Tomky).

from left Exa - Haike - Inda Nera

My breeding also affected our Lukrécia (1993, Questo Valdimora x Haike z Tomky), then Ugana z Tomky (1997, Judifax Geronimo x Lukrécia z Tomky) and also Nina z Tomky (1995, Lord Royal Bell x Inda Nera z Tomky).

Four generations Dobermanns "Z TOMKY"
(Exa left, in the middle Lucrecia, right Haike and puppies from the litter-U z Tomky)

Other major bitches were Victória z Tomky (1997, Graaf Mauro v.Neerlands Stamm x Inda Nera z Tomky), Rebeca z Tomky (1996, Fabian Fenris v. Diaspora x Inda Nera z Tomky) Quirina z Tomky (1999, Mauivieres Mufasa de Stang Zu x Rebeca z Tomky), Tina Thara z Tomky (1996 , Lord Royal Bell x Inda Nera z Tomky), and Arlen Carnia z Tomky (2000, Alpha Adelante del Citone x Tina Thara z Tomky).